Sunday, May 3, 2009

May is the start of a new month and though we have had a TERRIBLE daddy stuff, sadness, and a broken tv that I still have 10 payments left on...oh ya and a broken wii remote....I am PRAYING for a better week. Gage has some odd looking spots on him, so I am sure he is infected. I just can't wait to hear the doctors...he is looking forward to playing with Mike the nurse I am praying he still works there! lol. I am going to CLEAN like a crazy person today...and go get my oil changed... and have my car checked out. I need to be ready because since Paige has to be at her dad's house until 9 pm we are leaving and driving as far as we can...then sleeping hopefully in waterloo and driving the rest of the way...if I would have had my way we'd be leaving now and be safe...but it isn't worth fighting with Brandon...I cant take him yelling at me anymore. I was amazed today...he constantly rode Gage's butt and made him feel like a terrible unwanted kid...but the neighbor boy that has ADD is his buddy and stayed at his house last night....what really pissed me off is Mason who by the way isn't related to my daughter is allowed to talk to her get in her face and what ever...but when Brandon was here...if Gage tried to play with Paige or anything Brandon would yell at him DONT TOUCH dont need to be in her face... UNREAL. I don't get him...but I am sorry Gage is has a hell of a lot more right to play with his sister than some neighbor kid.

So I am definetly ready to take the kids, get gage healed, go see the fishies, and my step mom...I would say my dad but I am really angry with him so I don't care if I see him at all. When I get is prepare for GARAGE SALE time! lol I am going to downsize, and hopefully get a chunk of money to put away for a new car...and if I am really really lucky maybe just maybe I will get the second job I interviewed for this week...I have to get more money coming in somehow.

In the mean time... I am thanking CASSIE and COLEEN and my real friends for pushing this benefit for Gage...I am praying for good turnout. We have a few auction's going to be small people have been hit up too much lately...but hopefully it's going to be helpfull...
I have a goal of 15,000 between the benefit, garage sales, and work...we will probably have to push back our trip to denver to have more time to save but we are officially 0.003469 % towards our goal! LOL

Courtney, Gage, and Baby Paige

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