Friday, May 15, 2009

Whats new #2

Well this has been a bad week, Gage is having problems bad with allergy and skin, and I am no longer able to feed my daughter (her father wont let me during her visitation and I don't get anything when I pump). Paige is beautiful, i am worried about her nursing but other than that she's doing awesome...Happy baby. I am on a waiting period with unemployment (that I didn't know exsisted) and so phone will be shut off and maybe my utilities...and just when I thought I would be able to start to afford a car. Gage's dance recital is this weekend...he's doing so awesome and while he loves it I am so glad its about wiped out my small savings account. I am glad that he had the opportunity tho.
Ive been pulling my hair out working on the benefit...mainly because he's bad enough that he has to go back and while people have asked many times why we are going back and forth to mayo when we are trying to save for colorado...its mainly because we all suffer when he isnt ok but mainly him...he needs the current treatment. We desperately need donations for the auction...if you know anyone that can help...please send them my way! its the two week worried and praying.

In the mean time, I have marked things for a garage sale, called another photographer to try to sell some of my equipment, been making bows for crafts shows. and praying for miracles.

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