Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ideas ideas ideas

Ok. so if you wanna help with the benefit I may need it! Well I recieved an email and we can use the high school cafeteria...yeah! It's really big and really nice. I am going to start calling about food today. i really don't know where to start or who to contact but here we go! The doctors nurse that was extremely rude to me said she mailed his papers for the hospital to me, haven't got them yet so hopefully they are taken care of. and Elaine, the congressmans' assistant is checking into the insurance thing. and Brandon is up in arms...about going or me taking the kids and him not seeing paige that long...I just want him to go and help me, support us, and learn that this stuff is serious...i really think he is like most of the rest of the world that thinks allergies are just something, nothing serious. Laurie, made a slide that said it takes a whole village to raise a child with allergies... I SO agree! I love when people keep saying to me that they can't believe that it is so hard or they just don't know how you do it...i do what Ihave isn't easy and I don't always or maybe ever do anything right. But I know in my heart that if I just keep plugging along, eventually Gage will get better, we will have the things we want and need, a house good car, and maybe someday my kids will have all the advantages that I pray for for them. But I won't live like this will get better...this benefit is a start..a step in the right direction for Gage. I know that National Jewish can help him, I have prayed and prayed for it.

if you have any ideas...let me know!

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